Minggu, 21 April 2013

Mangaka Indonesia Yang Karyanya Diterbitkan di Jepang

Viviian Wijaya, mangaka Indonesia yang hasil karyanya yang dipublikasikan oleh Shogakukan Inc. melalui situs Club Sunday.
Viviian Wijaya, mangaka Indonesia yang hasil karyanya yang dipublikasikan oleh Shogakukan Inc. melalui situs Club Sunday.

Kokkyonaki Gakuen (Campus Dwellers Without Borders), manga karya Vivian Wijaya dipublikasikan oleh Shogakukan Inc. melalui situs Club Sunday.
Dilansir Animenewsnetwork, menurut The Japan Times, cerita komedi realis tentang kehidupan sehari-hari tersebut, merupakan manga Jepang pertama yang dibuat oleh penulis wanita Indonesia. Shogakukan juga mengatakan bahwa karya tersebut adalah komik pertama kali dipublikasikan secara beruntun, dalam bahasa Jepang, Inggris, dan Indonesia.
Kokkyonaki GakuenBab pertama Kokkyonaki Gakuen akan hadir di situs Club Sunday milik Shogakukan, dengan bahasa Jepang, Inggris dan Indonesia, sampai 5 Januari 2012. Cerita dalam manga tersebut berpusat pada Hajime Tomono, tokoh berusia 15 tahun yang mengalami kesenjangan budaya, saat hidup di sekolah asrama dengan berbagai murid dari sekira 50 negara lebih.
Wijaya yang memiliki nama pena DrVee, memanfaatkan pengalaman pribadinya ketika menjalani sekolah menengah di Inggris, untuk menyusun komposisi cerita. Wijaya yang dilahirkan di Tokyo, memang telah menyukai manga sejak kecil, namun tidak memperoleh dukungan keluarganya untuk menjadi seniman manga.
Karena tidak puas dengan pekerjaannya sebagai dokter, Wijaya mendaftarkan dirinya ke Machiko Manga School di Jakarta, dan Nippon Designers School di Tokyo.
Kokkyonaki Gakuen

Source : jepangku.com

Kreator Captain Tsubasa Pulang Kampung

Jagoan bola pada lakon manga “Captain Tsubasa”, yang mengilhami bintang lapangan hijau seperti Lionel Messi dan Fernando Torres pulang ke kampung halamannya, dari kisah komik yang membawanya pergi ke Spanyol. Dilansir dari AntaraNews, selubung patung perunggu “Captain Tsubasa”, dibuka di taman baru di kota Yotsugi, Timur Tokyo, yang merupakan kampung halaman pencipta tokoh bola itu, Yoichi Takahashi. Keberadaannya diharapkan dapat menarik kunjungan wisatawan untuk membantu menghidupkan kembali keberuntungan masyarakat setempat.
“Yotsugi adalah tempat saya lahir dan tumbuh, tetapi tak terpelihara sejak saya kecil,” kata Takahashi dalam upacara pembukaan selubung patung yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 700 pengunjung yang terdiri atas orang-orang penting, warga kota dan penggemar–termasuk anak-anak.
“Saya berharap macam-macam orang akan datang dari seluruh penjuru negeri dan dunia untuk melihat, menyentuh dan memotret patung ini.”
Patung itu menggambarkan Ozora Tsubasa sebagai bocah laki-laki murid SD, atau tahap awal dalam serial manga “Captain Tsubasa” berdiri setingi 145 cm, tersenyum lebar dan mengenakan pita lengan kapten kesebelasan.
Manga “Captain Tsubasa”, yang juga menampilkan penjaga gawang Genzo Wakabayashi, mulai terbit pada majalah mingguan bagi remaja pria Jepang pada 1981, saat sepak bola belum mendapat hati di Jepang.
Setelah beberapa tahun, “Captain Tsubasa” menjadi pemain profesional di Brasil dan kemudian pindah ke Barcelona. Keberuntungannya menanjak seiring dengan nasib sepak bola di Jepang, ketika Liga Jepang (J-Leage – ed) diluncurkan pada 1993. Sepak bola nasional Jepang mencapai posisi 16 besar dalam piala dunia 2010.
Serial manga “Captain Tsubasa” pun keliling dunia dalam  manga, anime dan video games, dinikmati oleh penggemarnya yang kerajingan termasuk Messi dari Barcelona dan Torres dari Spanyol saat mereka mengejar masa kejayaan.
“Ada banyak orang yang jatuh cinta pada sepakbola setelah membaca manga ini, di antaranya adalah para pemain top dunia dan pemain tim nasional Jepang,” kata Katsuei Hirasawa.
Takahashi mengatakan, sekitar 100 negara menyiarkan serialnya dan komiknya terjual 70 juta di dalam negeri dan penjualan internasional diperkirakan lebih dari 100 juta buku.
Serial itu dihentikan sejak tahun lalu dan penciptanya yang menjadi ketagihan sepakbola setelah menonton siaran piala dunia 1978, mengatakan tidak berencana membuat seri baru, tetapi mempunyai banyak gagasan.
“Yang menjadi masalah tentu saja, impian Tsubasa yaitu melihat Jepang menjadi juara dunia. Saya sungguh berharap, suatu masa akan menggambar pemandangan tersebut,” katanya.

Yoichi Takahashi, kreator manga "Captain Tsubasa" yang juga penggemar tim sepak bola Barcelona
Yoichi Takahashi, kreator manga “Captain Tsubasa” yang juga penggemar tim sepak bola Barcelona

Source : jepangku.com

Astro Boy Menuai Kecaman Terkait Krisis Nuklir

Astro Boy adalah seorang robot berwujud anak kecil bernama Atom.
Astro Boy adalah seorang robot berwujud anak kecil bernama Atom.
Banyak yang telah mengenal Astro Boy, salah satu judul anime yang paling terkenal di Jepang. Belakangan ini, Astro Boy mendapat kritikan karena anime dan manga ini dianggap berperan dalam mempromposikan penggunaan energi nuklir.
Kritik ini mencuat di saat manga ini seharusnya merayakan ulang tahun karakternya yang ke-10. Astro Boy dikisahkan lahir pada 7 April 2003. Manga karangan Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989) ini, aslinya sudah menginjak lebih dari setengah abad.
Karakter utama Astro Boy adalah seorang robot berwujud anak kecil bernama Atom. Selama menjadi robot, ia menggunakan tenaga nuklir sebagai kekuatan utamanya. Kritik yang dilontarkan berkaitan dengan bencana nuklir di Fukushima pada 2011 silam.
Diberitakan Liputan6 melansir dari Asahi Shinbun, berbagai macam pernyataan yang muncul di beberapa situs internet sebagian besar menganggap Astro Boy memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar dalam menyebarkan sikap optimis terhadap pemakaian energi nuklir secara aman.
Salah satu putri sulung Osamu Tezuka, Rumiko Tezuka sangat keberatan dengan kritik yang bermunculan. Menurutnya, dalam cerita Astro Boy terdapat kasus dimana orang-orang tidak memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan sepenuhnya secara bijaksana dan tidak menyadari betapa bahayanya beberapa hal yang disebabkan ilmu pengetahuan.
Ditambahkan Rumiko, bahwa segala hal terkait komik Astro Boy mencerminkan keadaan di tahun 1950an saat energi nuklir masih langka. Saat itu nuklir merupakan hal baru dan dipercayai bahwa pemanfaatannya bisa berguna bagi orang banyak. Nama-nama saudara Atom seperti Cobalt dan Uranium merupakan hal nyata pada cerminan tersebut.

Source : jepangku.com

“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” meraih keuntungan lokal US$ 18,75 juta

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods

Meskipun baru minggu kedua dirilis di bioskop, anime “Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” berhasil meraih keuntungan lokal yang cukup banyak di Jepang, seperti diberitakan Liputan6.
Bahkan, keuntungan lokal anime ini dua kali lipat lebih besar dibanding keuntungan lokal untuk film versi Hollywood yang rilis 2009 silam di Amerika Serikat, “Dragon Ball Evolution”.
“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” meraih keuntungan lokal sebanyak ¥ 1,85 milyar atau sekitar US$ 18,75 juta di Jepang.
Sementara itu pada 2009 silam, film “Dragon Ball Evolution” yang rilis di Amerika Serikat hanya meraih keuntungan lokal sebanyak US$ 9,36 juta.
Bahkan, dalam hal biaya pun “Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” menang cukup banyak. Anime yang rilis pada akhir Maret silam ini, berhasil meraih angka US$ 18 juta di Jepang hanya dengan modal US$ 515 ribu atau  ¥ 50 juta. Di dunia, anime ini pun mampu meraih angka US$ 23,8 juta.
Sedangkan, Dragon Ball Evolution yang bermodal sekitar 50 juta dollar hanya meraih keuntungan paling banyak di dunia sebesar 57,5 juta dollar Amerika.

SOurce : jepangku.com

Tokoh Nyata Yang Mirip Dalam Karakter Manga dan Anime One Piece

One Piece
One Piece

One Piece adalah buku komik yang sangat sukses dan seri animasi tentang tim yang pergi mencari harta yang terkenal dengan nama yang sama. Ketika penulis dan ilustrator, Eichiro Oda, baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa banyak dari karakter didasarkan pada kehidupan nyata tokoh masyarakat dan selebriti, ia menciptakan berbagai jenis pemburu harta karun untuk pasukan penggemarnya. Siapa saja  karakter yang menjadi inspirasinya? Setelah memakan waktu yang cukup lama, salah satu penggemar datang dengan galeri singkat berikut ini, seperti dilansir RocketNews24.
Beberapa dari foto menunjukan adanya kemiripan dalam beberapa tokoh dalam One Piece dan karakter nyata. Tokoh karakter Paulie dengan kemeja dan jaket yang sama identik menjadikan perdebatan, apakah ini adalah suatu cara penghormatan atau sebaliknya? Bagaimana menurut Anda? Silahkan Anda lihat sendiri.

Danny DeVito (The Penguin) – Dr. Hogback
Danny DeVito (The Penguin) – Dr. Hogback
Valentino Rossi – Trafalgar Law
Valentino Rossi – Trafalgar Law
Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace) – Shakky
Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace) – Shakky
Steven Tyler – Jango
Steven Tyler – Jango
Eminem -God Enel
Eminem -God Enel
Freddie Mercury – Peeply Lulu
Freddie Mercury – Peeply Lulu
Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura) – Franky
Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura) – Franky
Jim Carrey (Lloyd Christmas) - Mr.2 BonClay
Jim Carrey (Lloyd Christmas) – Mr.2 BonClay
Mikhail Gorbachev – The Gorosei ( Five Elder Stars)
Mikhail Gorbachev – The Gorosei ( Five Elder Stars)
Michael Jackson – Hody Jones
Michael Jackson – Hody Jones
Mahatma Gandhi – The Gorosei ( Five Elder Stars)
Mahatma Gandhi – The Gorosei ( Five Elder Stars)
Lenny Kravitz – Mr.5
Lenny Kravitz – Mr.5

Source : jepangku.com

Menghabiskan Hari di Taman Bacaan Dengan 30.000 Manga

Manga Park5

One Piece, Dragon Ball, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure atau manga lainnya yang Anda sukai, Tachikawa City Manga Park akan memuaskan keinginan serta kebutuhan Anda menikmati bacaan manga. Sebanyak 30.000 manga disediakan dan hanya dikenakan biaya sebesar ¥ 400/hari dan ¥ 200/hari bagi pelajar SD untuk menghabiskan waktu ditemani para staf yang mengenakan busana karakter favorit dan memberikan pijatan gratis.
Dilansir dari RocketNews24, emporium manga yang telah dibuka sejak 20 Maret lalu di sebelah Barat Tokyo, sangat menarik dikunjungi meski untuk masuk ke tempat ini pengunjung diharuskan melepaskan alas kaki. Dibangun dengan konsep rumah yang nyaman, perpustakaan ini juga menyediakan ruangan yang luas serta meja kecil bagi para pengunjung saat menikmati bacaan favorit.
Komik dibagi berdasarkan genre dan disimpan dengan baik, serta keramah-tamahan staf yang senang untuk membantu menemukan judul tertentu sesuai dengan permintaan. Ada juga area tampilan khusus di mana pengunjung bisa belajar tentang sejarah manga dan – baik ditulis dengan Jepang maupun dalam bahasa Inggris.
Disini juga terdapat vending machine, air mancur dan bahkan area makan terpisah dijuluki “Manga Cafe” yang menjual makanan rumahan klasik Jepang seperti kari dan nasi, takoyaki gurita pangsit, ramen dan kacang edamame.Manga Park dibuka setiap harinya mulai pukul 10:00 sampai dengan pukul 19:00, pada akhir pekan hingga pukul 20:00. Pada saat akhir pekan, pengunjung akan lebih banyak sehingga agak sedikit bising namun Anda tetap akan bersantai dengan nyaman menikmati bacaan manga favorit.
Berikut beberapa foto yang menampilkan Tachikawa City Manga Park:

Manga Park1
Manga Park2
Manga Park6
Manga Park4

Source : jepangku.com

Magi, Dongeng 1001 Malam ala Jepang

Manga berjudul "Magi" yang dirilis oleh Shogakukan sejak 2009 Dilansir dari situs Anime News Network, Magi berada di urutan pertama pada tangga peringkat manga di situs tersebut untuk bulan Februari lalu. Dan mengambil nuansa dongeng klasik Timur Tengah seperti 1001 Malam, tokoh utamanya pun diberi nama Aladdin dan Alibaba yang diambil dari nama asli tokoh di kisah 1001 malam.
Cerita sendiri berkisah tentang Aladdin yang ingin berkelana hingga ia berteman dengan Alibaba yang ke seluruh penjuru negeri antah berantah. Dan dalam perjalanan mereka tersebut, Aladdin tersadar bahwa dirinya adalah seorang “Magi”.
Manga yang diluncurkan sejak Juni 2009 silam tersebut, diterbitkan oleh Shogakukan. Dan hingga kini, Magi sudah mencapai jilid ke-16 dan masih terus berjalan.

Source : jepangku.com
Manga berjudul “Magi” yang dirilis oleh Shogakukan sejak 2009

Yankee I Love You, Situs Pertemanan Yang Trendi di Jepang

Situs pertemanan atau jejaring sosial dunia maya bernama Yankee I Love You hasil pembangkan dari permainan perusahaan mobile Tasuke.

Situs pertemanan atau jejaring sosial dunia maya bernama Yankee I Love You hasil pembangkan dari permainan perusahaan mobile Tasuke.
Yankee I Love You merupakan sebuah situs jejaring sosial baru di Jepang. Istilah yankee di Jepang mengacu kepada segerombolan anak nakal, lain halnya dengan di Amerika. Kata ini justru digunakan untuk panggilan penduduk di AS.
Situs dengan background gelap ini dikembangkan oleh permainan perusahaan mobile Tasuke. Yankee I love You tidak jauh berbeda dengan situs sosial lainnya. Bagi yang ingin bergabung, harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu dengan cara mengisi profile, menulis blog dan upload foto.
Hal yang menarik di situs satu ini adalah tampilan wall yang disajikan. Desain yang digunakan tidak hanya bewarna gelap polos, untuk membuat tampilan mewah yang gotik ditambahkan unsur gambar tengkorak di dalamnya.
Sejumlah pengguna juga telah meng-upload gambar profile mereka, pilihan  populer akan jatuh bagi mereka yang memasang foto cemberut atau agresif.
Jika tidak puas dengan profile pic yang digunakan, kita juga dapat memperluas profile dengan mengisi salah satu bidang yang telah disesuaikan, seperti geng motor, parfum favorit, atau jenis motor favorit.
Sesuai yang dilansir Japan Today, registrasi pemakaian telah meningkat semenjak situs ini diluncurkan pada 24 Februari 2012 lalu. Kebanyakan para pengguna situ ini memakainya untuk berbagi foto dan bergabung dalam suatu club tertentu.

Source : www.jepangku.com

[K-pop] [Global ‘M COUNTDOWN’ Special] Artist Spotlight: SISTAR

Sorce : CJ E&M enewsWorld : Grace Danbi Hong 

M COUNTDOWN is taking over Taiwan this month, and in anticipation of the global K-Pop event, we′re spotlighting the artists who are set to take the stage at this year′s show as well as the memorable moments that shaped the K-Pop world these last few months.

Dubbed as healthy beauties, SISTAR was sexy as ever in its new season of promotions in 2013. Although all four girls didn’t stand together on the music stage, that didn’t mean the SISTAR members weren’t busy.

Hyolyn and Bora stepped up to the spotlight with the anticipated return of SISTAR19, recording an all-kill on music charts with Gone Not Around Any Longer and even going for the triple crown on Mnet’s M COUNTDOWN.

Making every girl wish she was Dasom, the SISTAR member kept busy, romancing Infinite’s L in K.Will’s new music video for Love Blossom.

Meanwhile, Soyou harmonized with Mnet’s Superstar K4′s talented singer-songwriter, Hong Dae Kwang, for the song Goodbye, which is included in his anticipated debut album.

However, SISTAR didn’t have it all that easy, with Bora taking a fall during the 70 meter dash at the Idol Star Athletics Championships and Hyolyn being told her cooking was not up to par by Master Chef Kang Leo on Shinhwa Broadcast.

But even the negatives didn’t keep SISTAR down, with Dasom beating up the Shinhwa members, Bora having two hot idols (Jay Park and Lee Min Woo) chasing after her, and SISTAR taking home two awards at the Seoul Music Awards.

[K-pop] [Global ‘M COUNTDOWN’ Special] Artist Spotlight: Infinite

Source : CJ E&M enewsWorld : Grace Danbi Hong 

M COUNTDOWN is taking over Taiwan this month, and in anticipation of the global K-Pop event, we′re spotlighting the artists who are set to take the stage at this year′s show as well as the memorable moments that shaped the K-Pop world these last few months.

It all started on White Day, when Sung Jong melted our hearts away by playing with an adorable kitten in the first teaser video for when Infinite fell in love.

If all of the teaser videos stirred our hearts with spring just around the corner, it was the music video for Man In Love that completely tugged on our heartstrings and made us fall in love with the group and the new song.

Infinite followed its comeback with the people that made it possible – the fans – holding a press conference and a Google+ Hangout event that was streamed live on the same day.

The response was great as Man in Love began climbing up the charts, including Japan’s Oricon, quickly leading Infinite to pick up its first trophy on Mnet’s M COUNTDOWN and kicking off a series of wins on other programs as well.

Despite all of the album promotions, the Infinite members kept busy participating in solo activities as well.

Mr. Sparkly Eyes L appeared in K.Will’s popcorn and cherry blossom-filled music video for Love Blossom and prepared to release his own photo book, while Leader-nim Sung Kyu participated in the new tvN program, The Genius.

Infinite also became the new models for ice cream brand, Natuur, adding more color and energy into our lives. And to make sure their Japanese fans get a piece of them as well, the Infinite members announced the upcoming release of its first studio album in Japan.

In between their busy schedules, the Infinite members kept everyone entertained with several pranks on April Fools′ Day, even making comedian Kim Ki Yul want to cry.

Although the members may be full of tricks and jokes, Infinite is all business when on the stage, so make sure to catch the flower boy group at M COUNTDOWN: Niaho-Taiwan on April 24!

[K-pop] Girl′s Day, Teen Top, and More Confirmed for ′M COUNTDOWN: Nihao-Taiwan′

source : CJ E&M enewsWorld : Elizabeth Eun 

Mnet has finally announced the second lineup for the highly-anticipated M COUNTDOWN: Nihao-Taiwan concert.

On April 20, Mnet announced that uBEAT from U-KISS, Teen Top, Dal Shabet, Girl’s Day, Davichi, K.will, TASTY, Baechigi, and Ailee will all be performing in Taiwan on April 24, in addition to the original four artists confirmed earlier this month.

The selected artists include those who have led the K-Pop hallyu fever in early 2013, and are currently working to put together special performances for their Taiwanese fans.

M COUNTDOWN: Nihao-Taiwan will take place on April 24 and aims to launch 2013′s M COUNTDOWN Global Tour with a bang.

Photo credit: CJ E&M

[Issue] Jung Yong Hwa, Jong Hoon, and Ji Min Pose for ‘The FNC’

source : CJ E&M enewsWorld : Grace Danbi Hong 

FNC Entertainment’s official magazine, The FNC has revealed eye-catching photos for its upcoming second issue.

On April 19, FNC Entertainment prereleased some photos from the upcoming issue of the magazine, showing the leaders of FNC Entertainment’s bands.

CN Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa, AOA’s Jimin, and FT Island’s Jong Hoon posed charismatically while donning military-style outfits, adding a little something more to the photos.

It has yet to be revealed when the second issue will be released.

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

[Editorial] [K-Pop Battle] YongSeo Couple vs. Monday Couple

Source : CJ E&M enewsWorld Nancy Lee

Two of TV’s most popular couples are going head-to-head in this week’s K-Pop’s Battle – tag team style.

Recent reports that SHINee’s Taemin and A Pink’s Na Eun will soon be joining MBC’s We Got Married has us excited for the show once again, but we also can’t help feeling a little nostalgic about some of our other favorite TV couples. Namely, the YongSeo couple.

And while the show has given birth to many reality TV couples, choosing a pair that would make for suitable competition for the YongSeo couple in this week’s K-Pop Battle was a no brainer: the Monday Couple.

Read on and get your votes in for your favorite couple!

YongSeo couple

Many idols have taken the plunge on MBC’s We Got Married, but we’d love to see a chapter two from CN Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa and Girls’ Generation (SNSD)’s maknae Seohyun. Maybe take it to the next level and throw a baby into the mix? Just kidding, sort of. (But hey, anything goes on reality TV).

The picture-perfect couple stole our hearts when they first met on the show in 2010, and although three years have passed (we still can’t believe it), any reference to the couple still excites fans (us, included).

And it’s not like they don’t already live under the same roof.

Monday Couple

The fire between LeeSsang’s Gary and Song Ji Hyo on SBS’ Running Man has simmered since the actress went public with her real life romance with a rep at her agency, but one need only tune in to the show to see that even as friends, they have an undeniable chemistry.

And you know there’s no bad or awkward blood between the two, when the ever cool Gary can still joke about his love for Song Ji Hyo.

So which adorable TV pair are you still sprung on? Vote here!

[Movie] FT Island Lee Hong Gi’s Movie Already Sold to Five Countries

CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong

Although there’s still a bit of time left before the premiere, FT Island Lee Hong Gi’s movie, Passionate Goodbye has already been sold abroad.

Passionate Goodbye, which is awaiting its May 30 release in Korea, has been sold to Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. The movie will also premiere in Japan in June.

“With refreshing laughter and music, a story full of touching moments, and as rising Asia star, Lee Hong Gi’s movie debut, the movie has appealed to many overseas buyers,” said Niners Entertainment, in charge of domestic and overseas distribution. “We are currently receiving many overseas movie festival invitations and questions, so we believe the interest from overseas buyers will continue.”

Passionate Goodbye is about a trouble making idol singer who gets sentenced to a hospice after unruly behavior.

Photo Credit: NinersEntertainment

[TV] CN Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa Cast in ‘The Heirs’ with Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye

Source : CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong
Putting another drama with Park Shin Hye on his resume, CN Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa has been cast in the upcoming SBS drama, The Heirs.

On April 15, FNC Entertainment announced that Jung Yong Hwa will be acting in Kim Eun Sook’s new drama. Jung Yong Hwa has previously appeared in A Gentleman’s Dignity, one of Kim Eun Sook’s hit dramas, as a cameo appearance as Kim Ha Neul’s student, who had a crush on her.

Already cast in the drama are Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho.

Jung Yong Hwa’s recent addition means that this will be his third drama with Park Shin Hye after You’re Beautiful and Heartstrings.

Famous for Midas and Tazza, director Kang Shin Hyo will be leading the drama.

The drama will air later in 2013.

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

Jumat, 12 April 2013


1st Show: 15 June 2013, 8PM
2nd Show: 16 June 2013, 4PM
Venue: Mata Elang International Stadium (MEIS) – ANCOL


  • The leader and producer of BIGBANG. The very person that has produced lots of hit songs of BIGBANG . Cultivating the ability as a trainee of YG Entertainment from the age of 13, G-Dragon has grown as the main producer of YG and contributed much to success of BIGBANG.
  • His first solo album released in 2009 recorded the album sales record of up to 300,000 discs and demonstrated unlimited potential as a solo singer with the largest sales record as a sole male singer for the year.
  • His sense of fashion also attracts attention of people in addition to music. Costume, shoes and accessories of G-Dragon at the stage are instantly sold out or bring in copy products, demonstrating the attraction as a trendsetter of the fashion industry. In addition, G-Dragon is also loved much overseas as he is the only person selected as “50 Reasons Why Seoul is the Best City” by CNN.
  • G-Dragon, decided to release a solo album. On September 15, 2012, he released his first mini-album (second solo release) entitled One of a Kind The mini-album spawned three singles, one of which topped the charts.
  • The album was critically and commercially acclaimed, selling over 210,000 copies as well as being nominated for the 10th Korean Music Awards among others, winning accolades such as Record of the Year from the Seoul Music Awards
  • The G-Dragon 2013 1st World Tour: One of a Kind is a 2013 worldwide concert tour held by South Korean rapper, G-Dragon The tour promotes G-Dragon’s first EP and latest release, One of a Kind. This will be G-Dragon’s second solo concert tour and first worldwide tour. It will also mark the first time a South Korean solo artist has toured four of Japan’s domes. The tour will consist of 26 show in 8 countries and 13 cities . is set to kick off on March 30 at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul, South Korea.

Ticket Pricing
Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol – Jakarta
Ticket Category Section Type Price
Yellow Seated Rp. 2,000,000
Festival A, Festival B GA Floor Rp. 1,450,000
Blue A, Blue B, Blue C Seated Rp. 850,000
Red A, Red B, Red C Seated Rp. 550,000


Visit MyTicket website
for more ticketing information.

Source : bigdaddy.co.id

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

[Concerts / Events] CNBLUE’s ‘Blue Night’ concert DVD ranks #1 in reservations on Tower Records Japan chart

by allkpop

CNBLUE‘s ‘Blue Night‘ DVD is #1 in reservations on Tower Records Japan chart!
The DVD of their 4th solo concert held at the Seoul Olympic Park last December is the most popular pre-order. The disc includes the full concert, the making-of video, behind-the-scenes footage, and the encore stage.
‘Blue Night’ will be released in Japan on May 8th, but fans are already reserving their copies. CNBLUE previously ranked #1 with their Japanese arena tour DVD that was released on March 20th.
Congratulations to CNBLUE!

ME (BOICE) always Love and Support CNBLUE for EVER

Selasa, 02 April 2013

[Scandals / Issues] SM Entertainment responds to plagiarism accusations for SHINee’s “Dream Girl”

Some international fans had discovered the similarities between SHINee‘s “Dream Girl” and Luis Miguel‘s “Vuelve“ almost immediately Dream Girl’s release and now the issue is being spotlighted in Korea.
A video of the two tracks that compared the two songs was uploaded onto YouTube, and the many viewers who listened to it couldn’t help but notice the similarities. Some suggested that SM Entertainment might have sampled the song after buying publication rights.
However, SM Entertainment refuted all rumors that the song was either plagiarized or sampled, saying, “‘Dream Girl’ is the product of producer Shin Hyuk, who is famous for being the producer of the famous pop star Justin Bieber, and his composing team, ‘Joombas Music Factory’.” In a phone call with Chosun, they said, “We didn’t buy distribution rights, and we didn’t sample the song. This is purely SM Entertainment’s creation. The plagiarism accusations are just opinions of some people.
In another phone call with Osen, a representative from SM said, “We know that [the plagiarism accusations] have stemmed from some netizens. We don’t think they know what plagiarism is. You can say they’re similar, but it’s not right to say they are the same.” A composer stated to Osen, “For a song to be considered plagiarized in legal terms, four bars must be completely the same. If you compare the two songs, you can’t say that.

[Music] Hottest must learn Morse Code to decipher latest 2PM teaser?

2PM are taking teasing to the next level with their latest teaser clip.
In a stroke of genius, or is this torture, the group released a ‘secret code’ video teaser. Rather than give hints of the comeback song, or clips of the music video, 2PM does neither. In an initially perplexing video, all that fans get is a white blob with intermittent beeps.
Those Hottest who have spent some time in Girls or Boys Scouts will probably have instantly recognized the “beeps” in the new teaser as International Morse Code.  What does the code say? Listen and try to figure it out.

[Concerts / Events] Super Junior sells out ‘Super Show 5′ in Brazil

Super Junior has proved their Hallyu superstar status.
The group will be traveling to Brazil to hold their ‘Super Show 5‘ concert on April 21. The tickets for the concert have been completely sold out and there’s a lot of precaution in place for their highly anticipated arrival. The Sao Paulo airport will be bringing the biggest scale of safety guards out to make sure no one gets hurt on the day the boys arrive.
Brazil is the first stop for Super Junior on their 4-country tour in South America. According to SM Entertainment, the on-site concert producers collaborated with the airport to provide 10 times the regular amount of safety guards compared to most other pop artists.
Because all 5,000 seats are already sold out, many fans who weren’t able to obtain a ticket have been willing to pay high prices for already sold tickets. Additionally, due to overwhelming requests from fans, the concert venue has lifted the ban on glowsticks for the first time since its opening in 1999.
After their concert in Brazil, Super Junior will be heading to Argentina, Chile, and Peru!
[Thanks to everyone who sent in this tip!]