
Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

[Issue] B2ST Calls All B2UTIES for Mysterious Event

Source : CJ E&M enewsWorld : Grace Danbi Hong

There’s something going on that B2ST is not telling us just yet.

On June 7, B2ST’s official website changed, leaving fans dying in curiousity. Without any links or options to click, there was only a few words left on the site.

The colorful notice read, “B2UTY, come together!! June 15, 20:00.”

With no further information, whatever it is that B2ST is planning for its fans is still wrapped in mystery, but judging by the sudden announcement, something big is to happen on June 15 at 8PM (KST).

Could be an early comeback? A fanmeeting?

What do you think it could be?

Meanwhile, B2ST will hold its exclusive concert in July.

Photo Credit: CUBE Entertainment.

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